Ways to Save the Environment
There are seven easy ways to participate in saving the environment.
Because it is a simple way, then the steps to save the environment is composed
of simple things. Although simple, but if practiced by everyone in daily life,
can have a significant effect in saving the environment.
Admittedly, the day the earth and the environment we live in
deteriorating quality. Environmental degradation continues to occur and is
likely to increase because of lack of concern humans so often do activities
that are less environmentally friendly. Care less attitude is often accompanied
by the perception that saving the environment needed to do great things and
spectacular. And with trivia, simple, and small, we can participate in the
effort to preserve the environment.
What are the little things, simple, and easy that we can do
to contribute to save the environment, or at least prevent the damage getting
worse. Here are seven simple and easy things that can be tried by anyone,
anytime, and anywhere
Ways to save environment :
1. Save Electricity
Saving in electricity consumption to be one of the wise
actions that we can do easily. Although it seems trivial, save electricity will
have a great impact on saving the environment, especially in Indonesia. First,
Indonesia is a country that is 'poor' electricity. And the second, 80 percent
of electrical energy sources in Indonesia still relies on fossil-based energy,
not renewable energy. The higher fossil-based energy use would increase global
warming. Some tips for saving electricity are:
- a way to Use AC To Save Electricity
- a way to Make Refrigerator Become Save Electricity
- a way to Save Electricity While Using Computers
2. Save Water
While Asia is a continent with abundant water resources
but in fact have not been able to manage the water well. Almost every rainy
season, water blessing became a flood, while in the dry season drought led to
disaster in many regions. Not to mention the pollution of water that bloom from
the river to the sea. How to Save Water at Home and Make and Create Biopori
Infiltration Wells, the opinion maybe can be a source of
inspiration to participate in saving the environment by way of water frugality.
3. Save Paper
The main material is paper-making tree. It takes one tree
trunk to make 15 reams of A4 size paper. In fact, nearly 70% of raw materials
of paper taken from the forests. With this illustration we can only imagine the
impact on saving the environment that we can give when we want to save on paper
4. Planting Trees
Trees absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen an average of
1.2 kg per day / rod. And humans need oxygen to breathe at 0.5 kg per day /
person. Trees also absorb and store rainwater to avoid flooding and make it as
ground water, water reserves until the dry season arrives. Trees are also a
habitat for many organisms that form a natural balance with their food webs.
Various benefits of these trees put the planting of trees as a real form in
saving the environment.
5. Reduce the Use of Plastic
Plastics are made from materials that are not
environmentally friendly. When it is not used and become waste into objects
that require up to hundreds of years to be decomposed by soil. So plastic that
we use today will continue to have a negative impact on the environment, even
after we die though. (Read: Impact Plastics for Environment). Reducing the use
of plastic means participating in saving the environment. How, read: More
Wisely to Save Plastic.
6. Reduce the Use of Motor Vehicle
Motor vehicles to be one of the biggest sources of air
pollution. In addition it is also a trigger of global warming. Motor vehicles
worldwide is estimated to generate carbon emissions by 2 billion per year and
continues to increase from year to year. Reducing the use of a motor vehicle
can be done by switching to non-motorcycle vehicles (such as bicycles) when
traveling short distances, or choose modes transportation general (mass) while
traveling away.
7. Apply the 3 R
With various activities, man it's hard to part with junk.
Both organic waste and non-organic alike have a negative impact on the
environment from pollution of soil, water pollution, marine pollution, global
warming due to the release of gases in the process of litter decomposition. The
application of the 3Rs (Reuse, Reduce, and Recycle) into the most sensible
option to minimize trash. Reuse or re-use items that can still be utilized,
reduce, or mitigate anything that results in garbage, recycle or recycling
That's seven things simple and easy that if done will have a
significant impact on saving the environment and prevent damage the
environment. Until now, the Earth is still the only planet that could be
habitable by humans, needs to be the concern of all of us to participate so that
the earth can still save him comfortably inhabited by us, our children,
grandchildren and great-grandchildren to us later.
ways to save environment
Tag :
Enviroment Education,
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