How to Overcome Water Pollution : Starting From Ourselves

How to Overcome Water Pollution : Starting From Ourselves

water source

Water is one of the required component of human life . According Kodoatie (2008 ) " Water is the source of life . All creatures need water . Availability of water in terms of quality and quantity is absolutely necessary " . Indonesia is an archipelago country , so most of its territory is ocean . Although made ​​up of water , this condition is still not able to put to good use by the people of Indonesia . In contrast , the majority of Indonesian people abusing pollute the waters with .

How to Overcome Water Pollution : Starting From Ourselves

Actually , aquatic ecosystems can do ' rehabilitation ' naturally in case of water pollution . But this has its limits rehabilitation capabilities . Therefore , at least there should be an effort for prevention and control of water pollution . How to solve water pollution can be done starting from the introduction and a good understanding of the behavior of the community . How to solve water pollution preventive efforts can be done , for example by removing the food scraps and organic materials into the trash and not dumped in the river .

In addition , there are a variety of other actions in addition to preventative measures that we can do . Here are some actions that can be done by the public as a way to overcome water pollution , namely :

  • Use water wisely . Reduce the use of water for activities that are less useful and use the right amount .
  • Reduce the use of detergents . As much as possible choose detergents that are environmentally friendly and rapidly decompose in nature .
  • Reduce consumption of harmful chemical drugs . Drugs are harmful chemicals such as pesticides and liquid mosquito repellent is one cause of damage to aquatic ecosystems
  • Do not use the river for washing cars , trucks , and motorcycles .
  • Do not use the river for bathing rides and farm animals as a latrine .
  • Do not dispose of household waste in the river / lake . Manage your household waste properly and try to plant a tree at the edge of the river / lake .
  •  Aware of the water with no damage or exploit water sources that are not tainted .
  •  Maximization of degraded land improvement activities aimed at improving the conservation of underground water.
  •  Tackling land degradation former B3 waste disposal .  
Some of the above steps is how to cope with simple water pollution that can be started from yourself. There really is not too difficult to solve water pollution when we realize that water is an integral part of life and everyone is obliged to maintain and preserve aquatic ecosystems .
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