Undestanding and Examples of Food Chain

food chain

In ecosystems, there is a relationship between organisms and the environment. The relationships between the individual organism or quite complex and mutually influence each other. The relationship between the elements of biological and non - biological then boils down to an ecological system that then we call ecosystems. And in the patterns of interaction that this involves the relationship biogeochemical cycles, a number of the flow of energy and food chain. What is called the food chain? Understanding the food chain is nothing but a process of shifting energy from the source through the organisms that eat plants and are eaten. Here are examples of food chains and distribution.

Division of Food Chain

Some ecologists split 4 types of goods chain in the food chain system, are as follows :

Predator’s chain

This chain constitute main base where green plants act as producer. Energy transition starting from herbivores or eat plant organisms consume the plants . Herbivorous organisms is also called consumer-level I. Furthermore, organisms that eat the plants are eaten by other organisms are called carnivores. The karnovora was later named Consumer level II . Next is an organism that preys on the omnivore carnivore or herbivore and known by other names Consumers level III .

Parasites chain

parasite chain

Cycle chain this one starts from a large organism to organism that live as parasites by taking food from its host . Examples of the food chain are the tapeworm , fungi, parasites and bacteria .

Saprophyte chain
food chain

This begins a chain of death of an organism and then leads to recycling or decomposition by microorganisms . Examples are fungi and bacteria . Each chain does not stand alone but rather an ongoing mutually to each other .

Being a food chain food webs

food chain

Looking at the pattern above , we can conclude that the food chain is an event where there is transfer of energy or food from the one to the other living things in a certain order . Here's an example of a simple food chain :

From the picture above we can see there were a number of events , among others :
1. The grass or plant organisms eaten by rats .
2. Furthermore, mice eaten by the snake .
3. Then the snake devoured by an eagle .
4. When the eagle died , he would die and then rot . In the process it will be broken down by microorganisms such as bacteria and then absorbed again by the soil where plants such as grasses grow .

The events mentioned above is the food chain. In the sequence we can easily identify which consumer level I the rat , consumer - II level to the snake , and consumer - III level to the eagle .

There are many other examples of food chains . It can thus be concluded THAT there are diverse types of food chain . Where the food chain associated with other food chain will be formed something known as the food web . In the food web , there is no longer a continuous sequence as in the food chain . Try to look at the picture on the top , where the first level consumers are not just one , so the next .
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